Police Department

The East Newark Police Department provides services to the approximately 2,400 residents in the Borough of East Newark. The Borough is a diverse community, evident in our very own police department.
Our priority is to protect and service our residents, our officers work each day to maintain the vital bond between our police department and residents. We encourage open lines of communication between the police and residents.
Through a proactive approach, the Borough of East Newark has one of the lowest crime rates in Hudson County.
For all parking information visit The Official Website of Borough of East Newark, NJ - Residential Parking
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a professional community-oriented police service. We are committed to creating and maintaining an active community partnership and assisting citizens in identifying and solving problems to improve the quality of lives in our neighborhoods. We are dedicated to protecting life, property, and maintaining order while assuring fair and equal treatment to all
Value Statement
The East Newark Police Department will be guided by our core values in pursuit of our mission. Our core values are:
We will continue to build trust with our community and within our department through honesty and integrity in our decision-making.
We have committed ourselves to elevated standards of trust, responsibility and discipline while promoting justice in a fair and impartial manner.
We are committed to protecting life, property, and maintaining order while assuring fair and equal treatment to all.
Continue in our efforts to be highly trained and qualified through on-going training.
We are proud of the reputation our department has built over the years and are committed to continuing this through diligence and hard work.
We will earn the respect, and support of the citizens through active partnership, involvement and service to the community we serve.
Always uphold the honesty and integrity we were sworn to uphold.
sworn commitment to act in an ethical manner.
Having and showing high moral qualities and ideas with courage and spirit.
The Office of Professional Standards is responsible for receiving and processing internal affairs investigations that involve allegations of misconduct made against members of our agency. The Office of Professional Standards ensures that allegations made against members of the East Newark Police Department are thoroughly and objectively investigated to their logical conclusion.
Members of the East Newark Police Department are dedicated professionals who strive to create an atmosphere of consideration and cooperation within our community.
Members of the East Newark Police Department practice P.R.I.D.E. (Professional Responsibility In Daily Endeavors) along with C.P.R. (Courtesy Professionalism & Respect).
We take any matter regarding our personnel seriously. If you feel at any time that a member of this department has acted in a manner that you feel is improper, you are encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of any supervisor on duty by calling 973-221-6600 who will be able to assist you in resolving your complaint.
If you feel that your complaint warrants additional attention, you are encouraged to bring the matter directly to our Professional Standards Bureau at 973-221-6600 or by e-mail enpd@boroughofeastnewark.com
You may also file a written complaint at any time at East Newark Police Headquarters by speaking with the Desk Officer on duty.
Internal affairs information sheet and forms in multiple languages are provided below:
Complaint Information Sheet - English
Complaint Information Sheet - Arabic
Complaint Information Sheet - Chinese
Complaint Information Sheet - Haitian
Complaint Information Sheet - Hindi
Complaint Information Sheet - Korean
Complaint Information Sheet - Polish
Complaint Information Sheet - Portuguese
Complaint Information Sheet - Spanish
Police reports may be requested in person at the East Newark Police Department or via the Open Public Records Act Request form.
2024 Professional Standards Summary Report
2024 Annual Recruitment Diversity Report
2024 Annual Major Discipline Reporting
2023 Annual Major Discipline Reporting
2022 Annual Major Discipline Reporting
2021 Annual Major Discipline Reporting
2020 Annual Major Discipline Reporting
This year millions of school children around the world will benefit from D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence.
D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 and has proven so successful that it has been implemented in thousands of schools throughout the United States and 50+ other countries.
D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons that teaches children from kindergarten through 12th grade how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives.